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  • Unlock the Secrets of Boosting Workplace Visibility: Tips and Strategies

Unlock the Secrets of Boosting Workplace Visibility: Tips and Strategies

Being good at your job isn't enough. You need to be visible. 👁️👁️ Here are 5 things you can start doing today. Plus recommendations for media to consume this week.

In this week’s newsletter I explore how you can ensure that your efforts and genius is being noticed at work.

In today’s world…..

Perception = Reality

Especially when you’re starting out, senior leaders are not going to know who you are or what you contribute. And, depending on how your business works, many opportunities are given to those who they know can do a good job.

Maybe it’s sad that this is the case but we need to accept it’s the reality in most organisations. But don’t despair, there are some really easy to action points here that will set you on a path to having your efforts noticed.

Note: This is not about bragging! I’m as shy as any Englishman and some of the things below take me out of my comfort zone. What I have noticed over the years is the light and day difference between the people who do these things and those who don’t.

Over the course of a career, it will define you.

👁️ Contribute in meetings

A basic one but I see so many junior members of staff being quiet in meetings and deferring to their senior colleagues. This isn’t about undermining them - that would be totally counterintuitive.

It is about agreeing ahead of time what your role is and then acting out that role during the meeting. Just don’t let other leave the meeting wondering why you were there. Or worse, not even knowing who you are!

“Who was that in the background"?

“No idea”

👁️ Turn your camera on

With so many meetings remote, there is a temptation to turn the camera off and relax. DONT DO THIS.

You wouldn’t sit in an in person meeting and hid under a blanket in the corner. Be present, show you are present and engage with the meeting.

Firstly, people will get to know your face so that when you do talk they will start to build a picture of what you do and offer.

Secondly, it makes you pay more attention to what is going on. You are a participant rather than a spectator.

👁️ Communicate your successes

As I said at the top, this isn’t about bragging. It’s about stating facts.

This can take a few different forms. You can speak up in meetings about what you’re up to and have delivered in the past week or, if you are in a leadership position, a round-up email on a Friday can be a great way to give shout outs to your team and show senior members of staff what has been delivered.

Whether you use “I” or “we” will depend on your seniority and whether you manage a team.

If you manage a team, make sure you use “we”. “We” delivered this and “Dave” did a great job. “I” in this context will get people’s backs up. It wasn’t you, it was your team. When your team does well, you do well. It’s not all about you any more.

However, if you’re in an interview, always use “I”. The interviewer really only cares what you did.

👁️ Organise something beyond your day job

Another way to put your face out there is volunteer to do something out side of your normal day job. This could take many forms such as volunteer to organise an away day for the team, become an engagement champion or arrange for an outside speaker to present to the wider team.

Small things, maybe, but they get your name out there as someone who wants to contribute.

“[insert your name here] did a great job organising the team away day. Do you think we should bring them to [insert project meeting] to see if they can help us there?”

👁️ Use meeting chat (wisely)

Another way to engage with a meeting, especially one that is large, is to make use of the chat function.

In a large meeting it may not be possible or appropriate to speak. With 100 people all trying to speak it would be anarchy. In these situations, a well considered comment that adds value to the conversation can really get you noticed.

You need to be careful though as not all “chat” is equal.

What you put in the chat needs to be relevant to the discussion going on at that time.

It’s rude to post something in the chat during someone else’s presentation if it is off topic.

Wait for a gap between agenda items or wait until the end.

Hopefully you find these tips useful.

Now for a few recommendations on what you might want to consume in the coming week.

🎬 A YouTube Video to Watch

I stumbled on this brilliant breakdown of why you need to start creating. Right now! It might just set you up for life or at the very least give you some brilliant skills and connections for improving your life.

🎙️ A Podcast to Listen to

Nathan Barry is a legend. I am slowly working through all his podcasts…..

He Co-Founded the blogging platform, ConvertKit and has become a pioneer in the field of newsletters. I can’t believe it took me so long to discover his podcast, The Art of Newsletters.

This is one not just for those of us who write these newsletters but also for people who are genuinely interested in different ways to make money online. Guests range from the founder of The Hustle to Nick deWilde who talk about his experiences of writing a newsletter while also holding down a full time job.

📚 Something to Read

I have to admit that I am fascinated by social media. Not so much about the content but the algorithms that drive these platforms. To that end, stories about how people have got to masses of followers from nothing in just a few weeks are incredibly interesting. I’d say inspiring but I’m not sure TikTok is for me but you never know!

📝 Recommendations

Here are 3 of the newsletters I’m currently recommending that I strongly suggest you check out:



If you’d like to cross promote your newsletter please drop me a line in the comments below.

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