The Review - 22/08/2022

A collection of things from what ive learned this week

Thank you for putting some time aside to read this newsletter. Hopefully it will be useful and interesting.

closeup photo of ballpoint pen near camera

This week….

  • My new morning routine - what have I learned?

  • Podcast of the week - a marketing legend

  • YouTube - this channel has inspired me to create this newsletter!

  • My Twitter journey so far - what I’ve learned after one week

My new morning routine

In the run up to my recent holiday I was finding my get-up time creeping past 7am. What harm could another ten mins in bed do ay? However, while on holiday I read a very interesting post on Twitter about the habits of the most successful people. The overwhelming trait they share is that they get up an hour earlier than the average person.

So that’s what I’m trying. This is the end of week 2 and this is what I’ve used the time for!

1. I've checked and replied to my work emails

I haven’t worked out if this is the best use of the time yet but it has meant I’ve arrived at 9am with a clear inbox, my important emails for the day are sent and I’ve felt on top what’s about to happen in the day.

To be honest, I probably need to stop doing this one but it does reduce the stress a little. I just need to make sure it doesn’t creep into working 7-5 instead of 9-5! That wouldn’t be good.

2. Started this newsletter!

While on holiday I discovered Gary Vaynerchuk. I’m probably behind the curve with that discovery but I’ve been inspired just to have a go at putting some content out there.

It’s a bit of an experiment but will be a way for me to collate and document things that interest me. If others find it useful then that’s a bonus! (I think you will though)

I’ve chosen Substack as the platform. It appears intuitive and has some, but not an overwhelming, array of features. I also looked at Revue which is now owned by Twitter. There didn’t appear to be too much between them but on balance Substack felt simpler to making a quick start.

Let me know what you think of this newsletter or what you’d like me to cover in future. I will reply to all comments! I promise.

3. Started running more

At the start of last week I set myself the target of running every day for 30 days. I’m not sure this was a great thing to do to be honest. I’ve always been taught that the rest days are important.

Anyway, I’ve definitely upped my running by using this extra time in the day but, as you can see from the picture below, I didn’t manage to run on Sunday or Monday. To be honest, my body was saying “don’t go - you could get injured” and I listened. So I think that’s ok.

I’m aiming to get back to running Parkrun (5km Saturday morning) in 22 mins. Let’s see how we go.

Podcast - if you listen to one thing this weekend….

Diary of a CEO: The marketing secrets Apple and Tesla always use: Rory Sutherland

Steven is always an engaging interviewer and is now attracting some interesting and high profile guests. I certainly recommend this one. Rory Sutherland just seems to have a different take on the world. He talks about how ideas can be reframed….for example…

Tesla don’t have plastic seats….they have Vegan Leather.

Or how Uber, with their app, allow you to track their driver almost to your door. This doesn’t speed the arrival of the car but reduces the perceived time it takes. Genius.

Worth a listen.

You Tube - a channel you need to subscribe to

GaryVee - YouTube channel of Gary Vaynerchuk

I can’t really believe why its taken me so long to discover Gary Vee. This particular video is the one that inspired me to have a go. He may be a little abrasive for some but his message just makes sense and certainly resonated with me.

As well as inspiring me to create this newsletter he also inspired me to see if I could offer something to the Twittershere. In the next section I’ve popped in my latest stats. Let’s see how far we can take this and create something really useful for people.

In Gary’s own words:

“We live in remarkable times. The opportunity is staggering”

My Twitter journey so far

Inspired by Gary Vee and also Ali Abdaal (another YouTube legend - more on him next week), a week ago I started to explore whether I could help people on Twitter through documenting what I have experienced and what I’m learning.

So, its early days but these are my stats. Hopefully I can start to deliver to more people soon. Watch this space for updates each week.

Starting to move the dial maybe? Five new followers in the past 28 days….

And you can see the metrics starting to grow day by day.

And finally, an up and coming creator shout out….

Final shout out to James Dyble who has created a fantastic new Tableau Course. Would recommend a look. Free for a limited time only!

black flat screen computer monitor

That’s it for this week. Please leave your comments below and don’t forget to subscribe if you haven’t already!

I promise to reply to ALL comments.