Is quiet quitting really a thing?

Is quiet quitting really a thing? Making real progress with growing my Twitter following and a book at will make you question the 9 to 5.

Welcome to this weeks update. It’s great to have you and I hope you enjoy reading it.

  • Is quiet quitting really a thing?

  • A book that will make you question the 9 to 5.

  • Why Twitter may be starting to notice me.

  • Why did a tweet go viral?

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Is quiet quitting really a thing?

Apparently it is, or it has been during the pandemic. People who found themselves in jobs they didn’t really like during the pandemic but were worried about moving jobs while COVID lockdowns were in place would effectively do the absolute minimum.

Personally, I think someone who is quiet quitting for an extended time would be losing a little piece of their soul each day they were in that job. We only have one life. Don’t wake up in 20 years having spent your days doing something you hate. There is always a way through to finding meaningful work. Don’t simply survive a job in the hope of one day retiring.

Book recommendation of the week

Following my rant about quiet quitting above my book of the week has to be The Four Hour Workweek. The important thing to note about this book is not to fall intro the trap of seeing this as just another productivity book. It wasn’t really meant to be a productivity book at all.

For me, this book is about recognising the importance and value of your time.

So instead of trying to squeeze out more and more from your time it completely flips this round.

Take retirement. The conventional wisdom is that you should work hard and save as much as you can so that one day you can retire in leisurely bliss. The book argues this is a VERY riskly strategy.

What happens if you haven’t saved enough? What if you now can’t do all those things you want to do because you can’t scuba dive at 70 or hang out in swanky bars in Rio or climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Or more worryingly, you could just be totally bored doing nothing. What happens then?

This book opens your mind to protecting your time by releasing you from the 9 to 5 mindset. And with that freedom, you CHOOSE what you do. Read it and see where it takes you.

Social media update

Another interesting week intro Twittersphere. This week i discovered Neil Patel.

Neil sets out his tips for growing your Twitter following. here are a few things I’ve been trying this week with mixed success.

  • Have a niche that is clearly shown on your bio. I have decided to focus on four key areas. Leadership | Lifelong Learning | Mental Health | Analytics. It may turn out that these are too wide reaching but will see how it goes.

  • I’ve followed a solid number of people within my niche. This really has started to bear fruit quickly. By following people with a similar number followers to you then the likelihood is they will follow you back. Obviously, this isn’t a long term strategy but it gets over ten hurdle of no one really following you because you don’t have many followers!

  • Then, when someone does follow you interact with them. DM them, like some of their tweets or share some of their content. Compliment them. Start a dialogue. Make friends. It’s not that dissimilar to the real world.

Generally, I’m starting to see that its not really about my tweets, my likes and my mentions at all. It’s about the conversations and interactions you have with others. Twitter is give and take. In fact it’s give give give take.

Massive milestone hit this week. 100 followers. The strategy of focusing on my niche is paying dividends. I’m hoping this is the start of momentum growing and the although more starting to notice me. Time will tell.

Incredibly, I had a retweet go viral which you can see with a massive jump in impressions two days ago. Quite unexpected and I’m still not 100% sure why this went so crazy. I did jump on the original post within ten mins of it being published so it may be true that there is a need to repost fresh tweets.

This was was the tweet. Check it out. Drop me a comment below if you can explain why this got 9k impressions and 57 likes. More experiments to come this week.

On my travels this week

This week I had the privilege of meeting with the Tableau team at Salesforce Tower in the City of London. Great meeting, great people. We started planning how analytics in the rail industry will work in the new Great British Railway organisation.

However, the building is what I want to talk about. They had a fish tank in reception. Not just any fish tank. This thing is truly massive. Anyway, I was impressed. And the view from the 35th floor wasn’t bad either.

Thank you for reading.

If you got anything from this update please help me get this in front of more people by hitting share.

Have a great week.