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  • Mental health booster - getting out in nature can transform your mood.

Mental health booster - getting out in nature can transform your mood.

In this post I take you on my favourite running route. It was an incredible autumn morning here in England. I’ve captured it so that I can share it with you!

My number one way of improving my mental health is running. I’ve been running for about 7 years and I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s totally transformed my life. I’ve never been fitter than I am now, I’ve explored new places I would never have been to and met new friends. Most of all I find it transforms my mood and sets me up for the day. I can’t advocate it enough.

So here we go. This is a slightly different post to normal but hopefully this will inspire you to get outside and enjoy mornings like this. It was fantastic out there.

My favourite route takes me around the local reservoir and along the Grand Union Canal. It’s a great spot away from traffic. It was about 5 degrees but the sun felt warm. Gloves but with shorts and short sleeves. I probably looked a little strange but I do get cold hands!

As I turned the corner at the top of the reservoir the sun caught the dew perfectly. I stopped and took this picture.

The route takes me along the edge of the reservoir through a path lined with trees. Here in the south of England its been a very mild autumn so far but the trees are now turning quickly into golden yellow.

The sun picked out this tree perfectly as I rounded the corner so I had to stop and take this photo. The reflection on the water was perfect in the still water. Each weekend this particular part of the reservoir hosts water skiing but not today. It was perfectly still.

The next part of the run took me long the Grand Union canal. Follow this and you will eventually get into Central London and Regents Park. During the summer this is a hive of activity from holiday makers mooring their boats.

Today it was just filled with those who live on the canal. I always like the smell of coal burning on this section. Probably not great for the lungs but it’s a great earthy smell on a cold crisp morning.

This stretch of canal takes you away from the town and into the peace of fields and woods. The light continued to be impressive, cutting through the trees as it started to rise.

A few of my children’s friends live on boats in this part of the canal. Living on a boat doesn’t really appeal to be honest. It always feels rather damp down here but on a day like today I can imagine it starts to make up for that.

Below is probably my favourite photo. The sun caught the water to give a warm orange glow. I’m pretty pleased with that one to be honest.

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Time to turn for home. This is a slight incline but it always feels worse at this stage in the run at about 4km in. I was chased by a dog up here once. Got my best time that day!

Looking back from the top of the hill and time to stop and appreciate the view back down. Again you can see the light was fantastic, shining off the dew to the side.

There was something a little bit magical about the light on this particular run. I have probably run this route 100 times but sometimes it really pays to stop and take note of your surroundings. Sometimes the mundane is really not mundane at all.

And for those who love the stats.

Time: 28 mins 52 secs

Distance: 5.22 km

Pace 5:31 /km

The great thing about running is you only need a pair of trainers and you’re away. If you’re just starting out take your time. The couch to 5k is a brilliant place to start. Remember you will not only need to build your cardio fitness but your body will also need to get used to the impact. So take it slowly and you’ll be fine!

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It’s great to get feedback on these posts. Do you have any running or walking routes near you? Do you get out in nature enough? How do you build in time outside into your daily life?

For further reading check out these posts.

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